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Full Reports
Our reports on this research are full of more details recommendations for everyone from individual advocates to communication strategists at large organizations.
Start with the executive summary or see the reports most relevant to you:
Framing The Food System: A Review For Animal Advocates Of FrameWorks Institute’s Foundational Study
Evolving Together report 1/5: In 2006, FrameWorks published findings from a multi-staged investigation into the challenges of communicating with the public about food system change. While the report was not focused on animals, many of its insights into how the public relates to food are directly relevant for animal advocates wishing to see a change in the food system.
A Review Of Contemporary Research Into Public Perceptions Of The Slaughter Industry
Evolving Together report 2/5: Analysing over 60 recent studies that together paint a complicated picture of Americans’ relationship to meat and animal farming, perhaps best summed up by one researcher’s observation that meat from animals is “simultaneously... deeply popular as well as troubling among the same people.”
Analyzing the Landscape of Narratives about Farming Animals: Advocates, Media, and Industry
Evolving Together report 3/5: This report aims to provide an overview of the narratives currently in play by the industry, advocates themselves, and the Media. By noticing which narratives are and aren’t being echoed by the Media, we examine implications for advocates and inform the later phases of our messaging research.
Using Private Interviews To Deeply Probe The General Public’s Views On Farming Animals
Evolving Together report 4/5: We conducted interviews with ordinary American meat eaters in an attempt to discover what frames underpin latent public support for the goals of the animal movement, and what messages advocates could use to activate that support. We identified promising frames animal advocates can use to build support for a future without using animals for food.
Developing A Messaging Strategy To End Animal Farming Using Focus Groups
Evolving Together report 5/5: In this study, we designed and tested new messages for animal advocates based on findings from an earlier study. We used focus groups in order to mimic the way that people often process new ideas through conversations with peers, rather than in isolation.